Jared, Melissa, Ariyah, Isaiah, and Josiah
Our Passion …to bring the hope of Jesus Christ to all who are willing to listen. To help teach foundational skills including sustainable food and water systems, childcare, and hygiene. We love serving children and families who have experienced trauma in the past.
Our Location ...Rustenburg, the fastest growing city in South Africa, is located in one of the wealthiest valleys in Africa producing about 70% of the world’s platinum. However, it is home to some of the poorest people -many of whom live in small shacks in informal settlements because they cannot afford or do not qualify for proper housing.
Who Are We? …The Stuemkes! We are from Central Illinois and have long served in our local church as lay ministers, youth and children leaders, church media and technology, and wherever else we have been needed. We also spent about 9 years as foster parents learning how to help children who have experienced trauma of all kinds. Jared’s background is in the Information Technology and building trades. He is currently employed with a large network of Christian radio stations in the Midwest as a media engineer. He loves to garden, design permaculture systems and pretty much anything outdoors. Melissa is a licensed minister with the Assemblies of God with background in Trauma training, administration, and Children's Ministry. She has also been the Director of Royal Family Kids camp (a camp for foster children) and ran a non-profit ministry to help supply essential clothing, bedding and toiletries to incoming foster children. Currently Melissa is homeschooling our children.
Our Goals
- Work alongside Jeff and Abby Hunt to help grow Hope Church in Freedom Park, establish new groups of believers in Dinie Estates and other communities around the greater Rustenburg area.
- Disciple and train leaders
- Use creative and innovative approaches to reaching people groups who would not hear the gospel otherwise.
- Help grow and further the ministry at the Engage Africa property, including Bridge of Hope Children's Home, food production, and many other things God is doing at that location.

Prayer Needs
- Continued growth and wisdom of God's vision and plan for us in South Africa.
- To learn about and understand the people and culture of the community we will be a part of.
- For our children to be able to thrive and serve alongside us.
- That South Africans will be open to being changed through the power of the Holy Spirit.
- That hearts of individuals and churches will be burdened to financially partner with us and Engage Africa.
Note from Jeff and Abby
We are hoping and praying that the Stuemke's will be joining our Engage Africa Team in South Africa in the near future. We are excited to have the opportunity to work with them in ministry and we know that God has big plans for them. They have a lot to do in order to be able to come to the mission field, and there are a couple of ways that you can help:
1) Pray for them. As they begin this process to come to the mission field full-time, they will need your prayers. Pray that God will continue to prepare them with exactly what they need to be successful in the itineration process and when they begin their ministry in South Africa. I know they will covet your prayers.
2) Give. If you are burdened to help don't hesitate…give now. If you click on the link below it will take you to their donation page. All gifts online will go through PayPal and be tagged for the Stuemke family. You are welcome to give one-time gifts, sign up to give monthly, or do both.
Name: Jared and Melissa Stuemke
Married: 17 May
Jared's Birthday: 27 May
Melissa's Birthday: 23 July
Ariyah's Birthday: 30 June
Isaiah's Birthday: 19 October
Josiah's Birthday: 21 June
Mission Field: South Africa
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