Jared and Melissa Stuemke
Donation Page

I pledge to partner with the Stuemkes and Engage Africa!
If you would like to make a one-time gift or a monthly investment into the Stuemke family, you are at the right place.
When you choose to make an online monthly commitment, PayPal will charge a 2.9% administrative fee for each transaction. The full amount of your monthly donation is, however, tax-deductible. The fee will simply be taken out of your donation before it is deposited to Engage Africa. This is, by far, the best arrangement we found since PayPal does not charge a monthly fee in addition to this transaction fee.
To make a one time gift or commit to an automatic monthly investment,
please click on the donation button below, then follow the simple instructions.
If you want to make an automatic monthly investment without a transaction fee,
talk to your bank about automatic drafts or automatic bill payment.
HERE are the details for a mailed donation (Pledge Form).
Please make sure you write the designation (Engage Africa/Stuemke) on the pledge form and the memo line on your check.
If you have questions concerning support
contact us at ObscureMyEmail.
When you pledge to partner with the Stuemke's/Engage Africa, we make a pledge to you as well.
Partnership is a covenant relationship, and we all have important roles to play.
At the bottom of this page, you can read our pledge to you.
Partnership Covenant
The overseas representatives of Engage Africa will:
- Seek wise council from the Engage Africa Board of Directors, others who are currently impacting South Africa, and South Africans who are making a difference or desire to make a difference in their communities before beginning something new.
- Communicate regularly with the Engage Africa Team through newsletters, email, website updates, and online networking.
- Offer opportunities for Team Members to come and experience the work of engaging the children of South Africa in life to the full!
- Be wise and accountable stewards of the finances invested in Engage Africa by the Team
If you have questions about anything that Engage Africa or
any of its overseas representatives is doing,
please feel free to
contact us at ObscureMyEmail.